Recruit the best individuals, who will make a real difference to your business – Cranfield graduates have experience focusing on practical application of theory, links with industry and real-world skills.

Our programmes are applied and relevant, and informed by cutting-edge research. This means our graduates come to you with a ‘real world’ mindset and skills which ensure they can make a seamless transition from study to the world of work in your business. We have a long track record of working closely with business, industry and government across many different sectors. This is an important element to the structure of all of our courses, and some courses are designed in collaboration with industrial partners.

Our graduates – the facts

  • Over 2,000 students graduate with a degree in one of our specialist areas every year.
  • We graduate the highest number of engineering and technology postgraduates compared to any other UK university.
  • We are in the top four universities in the UK for Mechanical Aeronautics and Manufacturing Engineering.

Recruit Cranfield graduates

  •  – you can advertise a job vacancy to our MBA and MSc students across all of Cranfield’s specialist areas via our online talent management portal, Symplicity. This service is free and easy to use, and allows you to target specific student groups, manage applications, register for career events and more.
  • Access Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) funding to develop your new graduate recruits.
  • Sponsor one of our MSc research students in their industry-facing project – not only can this help address a short-term research need for you but it could lead to the employment of high-quality graduates in the long term.
  • Present directly to our students about working for your organisation.
  • Host a stand at one of our recruitment fairs where you can promote your company and meet our students.

Contact our Careers Service to find our whether we have a graduate who can help improve your business.